Gold Vs Cash

gold vs cash

Hello friends today i will guide you that gold versus cash in we are human being so we need different needs like food,clothes,homes etc but we also know inflation,hard ecnomic period,long term thinks about our portfolio so everyone want that cash is my needs and gold have itself many properties so what will be the good for me mean cash or today we will learn about it so lets begin….

Gold vs Cash

comparison between gold and cash

Gold and Cash have both advantage and disadvantage example when we keep cash in bank or with ourself we have advantage like we use it where we needs of something directly,we invest it easily,we can easily exchange in our country.every one accept it.we can buy any thing easily.mean cash is high liquified exchange rapidly but on the other hand it have many disadvange like for long term its value is decrease ,in hard ecnomic period cash is not good than gold,its burn,it take large space,everytime we worry about thief.

AND as gold has also many advantage like its value is not decrease,it help us in hard ecnomic,it can be use any where,we can use it as jewellery,it safe our portfolio ,it decrease our loss in money we invest in stock market,it not burn easily but on the other hand gold is we do not use directly for our needs as cash.and also we donot use gold for our smaller needs echange.we also not know about its purity,if we needs for something in short term so we will always gain loss.

gold vs cash
gold vs cash


How i manage my portfolio gold vs cash

as a investor the best idea about gold vs cash is do not invest all amount in gold.if you are salary person than invest some percent of your income for which you do not need in short term and place some amount in your bank as for your needs in this ways your portfolio will be safe and you will not loss anything but invest every month from your income regularly in pure gold i prefer physically gold and the remining pays your bills and also invest some amount in stock and take some cash in your bank for any short term needs

so in this way you can gain advantage of both gold and cash but place gold high than cash



as we discuss gold vs cash both advantages and disadvantages so now i think you know about still invest every month in gold and place some amount in bank so if you needs than you easily use your cash in bank and also in long term you can gain the advantage and profit in gold mean you are going to be rich


question1.Does holding gold beat inflation?

answer.yes if you hold gold for a long term than it will beat inflation,as every year when inflation arise so value of cash is decrease so gold is a thing which cannot beat inflation.


answer.the short answer is yes in long term gold intransic value is always increase and if not than remain same never decrease.

question3.Cash vs. Gold: Which Asset Could Prove Better? and gold every has itself benefit but for long term gold is better than cash if you not needs any shortterm needs of it


Gold investment-is gold a good investment right now

Gold investment-is gold a good investment right now

Hello friends today i will guide you about investment in gold and also cover some question related to gold investment in your mind and also explain some advantage and disadvantage. so lets start.

Questions in your mind about gold investment gold a good investment right now gold stock to buy now ways to buy gold

4.should i buy silver or gold

5.buying gold near me

6.investment in gold good or bad can a beginner invest in gold

8.soverign gold bond can i invest in gold

10.invest in gold physically or online

AND some more question so starting with investing in gold

Investing in gold

As we know that gold is one of the best stock in commodity is safe and maintain its value in hard ecnomic situation of take less space and also change to cash easily but how we invested and become rich through gold as i am normal person today so if you are in normal mean if employ,young or belong from small business community than make a plan of buying gold in one year invest in gold from your income and take a long term vision in your mind invest every in month or week  and enjoy!


Types of investment in gold

there are many types of investment in gold you may buy gold bar,coin,jewellery,bond etc but the best ways for investor is buying gold physically because this way is safe,own owner,you may be sell it,carry it and look it every time and every situation .

How a beginner invest in gold

2 ways are there one is total investment and second is investing step by step if you have cash mean example 10 lac rupees than you may invest as a whole if you thing that gold will not go to bottom and may invest small investing mean invest some amount in one rate than on low rate than high rate.this ways is very good because no one know which time is good to buy gold

Best ways and time to buy gold stock

if you invest in gold bond or in physicall gold no matter but invest at least one time every month from your salary as i says first you think from long term than invest every month donot look to the present price just invest you will see the result in 5-15 years


should i buy silver or gold

if you have money than first start in investing in gold because gold is best than silver as it has many properties than silver but also investing in silver is being good because silver is better than cash and gold is best than all!


.investment in gold good or bad

investing in gold from today is best because it is real any ecnomic hardship its value will be in place or high and you may use it in any situation .gold investment is good in this situation if you think for long term mean if you have cash today in bank and you have no need of it for 5 to 10 years than investing in gold is good but if you buy it today and than in two three days you needs cash than it is bad for this situation investing is not good option.


How i become rich

as i told you and you invested 10000every month upto 15 year than if you place this income in bank or in gold  than total money will be

in bank=1800000

in gold value=1800000+15% profit=6700000 APPROX

Thinks so than start from today


if you think for this than start it and never look to the current price just invest every month example 10000 or according to your income for 15 year than it is good but if you needs cash in short term than it is not for you

Good luck





If you thing to become a rich by small investment and with less effort than start a business of one dish millionaire 1 lakh se shuru hone wale business

one dish millionaire

it is a type of business in which a person generate money by coking some unique dish in part time with low investment

if you are a student or an employ than must try this type of business because this business make you a millionaire one day!

Example of success in this fields

1.savour foods

2.students biryani







9.Dunkin Donuts

10.Teasebuds etc

HOW to Start working on this ideas

First you think which thing you make unique like frying chicken,biryani,pulao kabab,eggs,soap,fish,etc any thing you make it goods than try to cook and serve them the best than buy some tools and start this business.

investment and risk in one dish millionaire concept

mainly very low investment is required and the main thing is to cook them the best and also it has very low risk as very low investment .you may start from $4-10 and earn upto $5 profit daily 50% profit wow!

where to sell them

when every thing is ready then start from your home town bazar or city and work them to cook them the best as soon as possible mean make your place in the heart of people.and enjoy the colour of money.


when you made your customer and make name in your city than you can easily make new branches which in reality make you rich

How the people become millionaire through one dish millionaire ideas

you are becoming millionaire in future because from start to here you still reading this article nice!

ok so when your business is started and you gain money on daily basis then make a plan about your goal mean if you buy product of $5 and sell on $10 then net profit is $5 mean $5 you buy new product and in remaining $5 you invest 50% mean invest 2.5$ in gold and place 1$ your cash money and 1.5$ invest in some other if work on this plan your money will be safe in gold and maintain its value and also your money will generate more money.


as we mentioned that this type of business is risk free,less investment is required and run every one like employ,student,young by just giving one to two hours in day and make some specialty in cooking so must try on this for your bright future good luck

How to invest money in 2023

How to invest money in 2023!

Every mankind on this earth want money because as a human being we have different need which can be solved only through money.

it is reality that money cannot buy happiness but without money we cannot survive.we needs food,clothes,comporting lifestyle,education,car,home etc which is possible only through money but here is question arise how can we made money and if i am employe or belong from medium family than how i make my money power increse to make me rich.

so today we will guide you where to invest money where your money will be safe and matain its value


if you are a student or employe and dont know about finantial knowledge than how you invest your money because people will say invest in stock or crypto which is very risky and as you dont know money discipline so you loss all your money

so lets start to guide you how you invest your money perfectly

Smart ways to invest money in 2023



3.Youtube channel

4.Investing in property

5.Buying cars/rikshaw

6.zaiton farm


8.Stock market

9.crypto dish millionare


12.Partnership business



This is one of the best and safest investment option for every one if you invest in gold (pure gold bar) than your money will not decrese value and with the passage of time your money value will be increse but you only invest in gold physically and in pure gold.


as we live in modern world today technolgy revolution every thing is going to online so learn some skills is also a good investment opportunites for students to earn money in invest in skills today for bright future.

3.Youtube channel

in this type we do not need money but also if you start youtube channel and buy some equipment you need to run your channel (camera,stand,mic etc)than its is also i good invesment.

4.Investing in property

This type of investment is very risky people through real estate may become world rich people and alot of people become poor.

so invest here thoughtfully and dont invest in files or plots just buy a land,home or shop and give them on rent and buy and sell them in opportunity



5.Buying cars/rikshaw

so buy them and give them on rent safest investment


6.zaiton farm

if you have am empty land or mountain than start zaiton farm you will see result in just 5 years 20X result



in this field you may start from hen,goat,sheep,or fruit like orange,tomato,apricot plants etc it is also good invest for 2023

8.Stock market

again it is very risky and ripid result investment idea if you not know knowledge than not invest here because if you invest without analysis than you will lose all your wealth first learn than invest


for young people invest only 1 % of your investment it is high risky through this you may become poor or rich in the seconds of hour dish millionare

start your part time business and sell something which you make good like chips,fry fish chicken etc in the evening time


start every thing where you feels good best investment option and really good


if you have not time to run your own business than make partnership and enjoy the colour of money business

as world is giving to modern so learn online business and invest money and enjoy the colour of money from your home but first learn it carefully


Thanks for watching good luck




fieverr description gig example

fieverr description gig example

Hello my dear today in this blog i will show you how to describe your gig description on fiverr which rink your gig and increse your gig impression and earn alot of money so must read the

following example which i write just for you people.

Rinking Gig Description Example


Hello, I am offering professional video editing services on Fiverr for business purposes and for educators.

I learned the fundamentals of video editing since 2019 and it became my passion.

Since that day I have been learning everything about video editing and with the passage of time i get to know things about it and
thus it increases my knowledge.because of all that time my experience has given me insight into the needs of business
leaders and educators.

I think that the edited video show us visual story of what happened in past and will happen in near future.

so I decided to start adding my experience and knowledge to it and tried my best to create such a story that connects people and
develops new ideas…

so If you hire me for your project you can rest easy knowing that your project is in the hands of a professional video editors hand.

to see different services, I offer different prices and prices will be so discounted

Before giving me an order message me to discuss the project





Have you been looking for an editing service that delivers your project within 24 hours or less time but looks extremely professional?
Then my gig is the perfect option for you and I can do the following for making your videos look more professional and perfect.

Cinematic professionals edit your real estate video
Color correction
Camera shake removal ( Depends on your footage )
Sharpness adjustments ( Depends on your footage )
Background noise removal
Aerial footage editing
Slide Show
Motion Graphics ( Draw Property Outline )
Mixing Color
Trimming & Cutting
Sound Design & Motion Graphics
Green Screen Removal
1080p/4K Export
Adding Captions & Subtitles
Adding royalty-free Sound Effects & Music
Adding Visual Effects & Transitions
Music Visualizer or Spectrum
Stabilization and Much More

Audio Editing;

Audio syncing
Add copyright-free music
Cut/Join audio parts
music (As your preference)


I’m a Professional, Commercial and YouTube Video editor.

I’m an Audio editor.

I’m a motion graphic designer.

I’m a Photoshop expert.


I use

Premiere pro
After effects
ps express

Gold Price today in Pakistan one tola 156000 12 gram

Gold price in pakistan

As you know that gold is kind of metal and unique time to time its value is change

so today i will show you the price of gold on different scale

gold price chart in different city of pakistan

1.10 gram gold price 136000gold price today

2.kacha tola gold price 149500

3.packa gold price 156000

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Phasellus at auctor nibh. Morbi feugiat finibus nulla, et semper ipsum sodales a. Fusce at lacus vestibulum, luctus sapien quis, dictum erat. Phasellus orci sem, pretium nec blandit sed, faucibus eget massa. Aliquam lobortis sapien augue. Nullam dignissim elit ac libero egestas egestas. Vestibulum et convallis urna, fermentum porta mauris. Nam pellentesque lectus varius, facilisis metus at, elementum augue. Pellentesque suscipit enim massa. Curabitur elementum lorem neque, non accumsan orci vulputate placerat. Vestibulum nec mauris at dui mattis blandit. Duis nec lacinia lacus. Fusce consectetur, sapien posuere lobortis maximus, velit orci ornare felis, id elementum ex ipsum at enim. Integer lacinia ipsum nec purus sodales tristique. Curabitur iaculis at nisl et commodo.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc imperdiet rhoncus arcu non aliquet. Sed tempor mauris a purus porttitor, ac convallis arcu venenatis. Donec lorem erat, ornare in augue at, pharetra cursus mauris. Cras commodo orci vel scelerisque convallis. Fusce sollicitudin feugiat placerat. Aenean magna massa, vehicula at efficitur ac, vestibulum non felis. Aliquam quis feugiat sapien, eu sodales mauris.

Phasellus at auctor nibh. Morbi feugiat finibus nulla, et semper ipsum sodales a. Fusce at lacus vestibulum, luctus sapien quis, dictum erat. Phasellus orci sem, pretium nec blandit sed, faucibus eget massa. Aliquam lobortis sapien augue. Nullam dignissim elit ac libero egestas egestas. Vestibulum et convallis urna, fermentum porta mauris. Nam pellentesque lectus varius, facilisis metus at, elementum augue. Pellentesque suscipit enim massa. Curabitur elementum lorem neque, non accumsan orci vulputate placerat. Vestibulum nec mauris at dui mattis blandit. Duis nec lacinia lacus. Fusce consectetur, sapien posuere lobortis maximus, velit orci ornare felis, id elementum ex ipsum at enim. Integer lacinia ipsum nec purus sodales tristique. Curabitur iaculis at nisl et commodo.

Praesent mattis purus magna, ac iaculis tellus elementum blandit. Nullam massa ante, egestas non porta consequat, sodales ac elit. Phasellus vitae erat id massa volutpat tincidunt. Sed suscipit sed dui quis efficitur. Mauris consectetur placerat urna, ac pharetra libero suscipit ut. Mauris accumsan magna pretium ante imperdiet, ac varius augue interdum. Proin id congue leo. Curabitur eu nulla risus. Phasellus a sodales leo. Donec blandit massa et egestas dapibus. Phasellus non justo mi. Mauris leo sapien, molestie a auctor non, venenatis finibus purus.