Job Vs Business

as we live in this world(job vs business explanation starting) the creator of this world has created a system in which every one depend upon other no one is perfect here if one is a boss so he will always depend upon employ and vice versa .if one is a doctor so he needs this is how the system works in which there will be always a boss , employ ,doctor ,patients ,businessman ,customer ,salary person and for this it is not possible for everyone to be boss,to be doctor or to be employ but for the perfect system there will be all of these .every man has a different place .and business and job has there own place But man has been given the option to become whatever he wants to be in this today we will learn about job vs business

as we discuss every field has their own benefits and disadvantage but we will just compare today business vs job so lets gets started

job vs business
job vs business

JOB VS BUSINESS simple definition for money lover

.job is generally use for a person work for someone as part time or giving full time and when he/she complete that work (task) salary is offers to you by that job.the one disadvantage of job is that your salary will always be fixed and you will always work according to the superior or boss of your company.

and business is simply define as when two or more two person collaborate for common goal so this is a business and there will be no fixed salary every thing depend upon you and also you are your own boss here.

comparing job vs business


business is much time risky than job because in job if you work according to company will not be loss your position however,in business you might lost all your asset if you take wrong step in just one night


being a business man you will face many challenges like at startup time working from morning to evening,give up,tension,compititor however,in job you do not need that efforts as in a business you just work on your task.


this is same for a good job man and for a business man .i best employ will always make himself responsible for a company as a business man however,business person is much time high responsible than employ.


in many experience business person life is all time in stress but in job a person live happy but in business a person is free from law he donot need to take permission he go where they want and in what time they want as he is boss however in job you donot went with out spent your holiday according to company rule


it is clear as in business you have a lot of money and there is no limit of can make money in many years or just in months as it is depend upon you however,in job there will be fixed salary,and increment will be given as in many years you have to wait for it.


a sucessful business is much time better than job.

Degree vs Experience comparing for job vs business

in business you do not needs a degree i know people will agree with me but as you know a sucessful business man needs experience and experience will come to you when you are in this business fields but in job you will not be giving a job when you have no degree or experience

job vs business


simple words explanation

job and business we needs both because this system will not work properly if all of us become businessman or employ but if you are young than compare yourself between them if you take risk,you have a vision,you face challanges than join a business fields and on the other hand job is waiting for you.

when you start a business so in startup you will needs money,efforts,challanges but when every thing is complete than you will be free,you will have money,happy,holidays,mean everything you want.but for you have to take risks.and when we come to job as it is true you have fixed salary,boss,company rule,happy according to company,working for 9 to 6 hours per days however your signature will work,no tension,no much efforts just work and earn money.



business is much time hard than job but when there is high efforts so always there will be high fruit(newton 3rd law)if you take risk than join business .you donot needs of degree just gain experience and run a business and if you are normal man just your desire is to earn money for my needs,not risky,not cotrol your emotion,just want to live a happy normal life than go for a job..

Good luck


question.Is owning a business better than a job?

answer.the simple answer is yes,however it depend upon you if you have high vision and not care of money and take risk than business is much time better than job.

question.Can I have a job and own a business?

answer.if you are a sucessful business man than you do not needs a job however if you are in middle class than you may run your business in morning and can do part time job online or physically.


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